
Land of Black Regality

"That won't work."



Noire is a girl who looks in her mid-to-late teens, with a slender figure, red eyes, and long black hair. Her hair is kept tied into two pigtails with blue ribbons, and go down to her waist. Her fringe isn't kept parted and she has two bangs that go down to her chin. Her attire consists of a maid-like black top with golden trimmings and white frills around her upper arm and chest, and also reveals a certain portion of her cleavage. Her skirt is white with black trimming and is rather frilled compared to her top, and goes down to her lower-thigh.

Black Heart

As Black Heart, her eyes are cyan and her hair is pure white, and goes down below her shoulders somewhat, with her fringe standing above her eyes and bangs caressing her face. Her suit is black and white in color and the mechanical appearance is much more visible. It also exposes a mild amount of her cleavage. Her sleeves are pure black, with silver patches in the bicep and tricep area, her gauntlets are black with silver protrusions on the knuckle.

Next Black

Her hair has taken on a more bluish shade of her silver locks as her hair is tied by the metallic helmet, taking on a blue to black bodysuit as it extends throughout her entire body. Taking on a Lastation insignia within the middle of her cleavage. Her hands covered within massive metal gauntlets and feet enveloped by massive boots. A scouter like device taking presence just by her right eye.


She's a Tsundere, no questions asked.
She is a girl who thinks highly of herself and strives to be number one in everything she does. Noire often does and say things but tries to play it off as if there is no more meaning behind her actions. It is possible that she is a very caring person at heart but masks it with snobby, arrogant attitude in the hopes people will not see through her facade.

Black Heart

Her personality remains fairly unchanged in her goddess form. The only difference is that she becomes more aggressive and competitive than before, but other than that, she's basically the same.

NEXT Black

In her NEXT form, Noire is overcome by a calm tone but her arrogant nature remains while being reduced to a small amount.

A Goddeses Smithy

"No matter who the opponent is, I'll mow them down!"

Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsThe levels of strength, speed or stamina significantly exceed what is theoretically feasible for a regular person. Examples include ability to move faster than the eye can see or even at supersonic speed, without any expense to self and without any gimmicks.
Sharing Field A pocket dimension created to counter the negative energy of the Dark CPU'S. It's stated all CPUs who aren't dark can create Sharing Fields through Share Crystals. The Sharing Field weakens the enemy while supplying the user and their allies with stamina restoration. Once the enemy is defeated the sharing field is destroyed.
Hard Drive Divinity The ability of a CPU to transform and access their full power through the utilization of Share Energy and their installed Processor Units. Usually, there are some changes within a CPU when transformed into their HDD form. These include their personality and appearance. Noticeable features that change within a CPU's appearance include their eyes, hair color, and hair style. In some cases, their stature and figure may change. A CPU's stats increases significantly when in HDD form. The Processor Units' stats stack with the CPU's stats in human form.
Weapon Mastery Consistently wields different forms of guns and swords; Albeit prefers to use a Rapier.
FlightThe ability to fly without any influence, whether it be in an atmosphere or in the vacuum of space. The processor wings from her HDD form allows Noire the ability to fly without the influence of gravity to slow her down.
Time Paradox Immunity Despite the events of Hyperdimension being rewritten, she maintained memories of what happened.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Special Skills:

Lacy DanceSpins around while simultaneously kicking and slashing the enemy.
Tornado SwordEnhances sword in a whirlwind of color and then slices the enemy.
Drop CrushKicks the enemy into the air and slams them down with sword.
Volcano DiveLeaps up into the air and spins downwards, slamming sword on the enemy which causes a fiery explosion.
Tornado ChainRapid slashes and kicks at the enemy before ending off with a snap that causes all the slashes to take effect.
Fall SlashLeaps into the air and swipes down with sword, causing a slash of energy to strike the enemy.

EXE Drives:

Infinite SlashRapid, high speed slashes ending off with a strike from the enhanced sword, attacking the enemy rapidly from multiple directions, so fast that she can't even count how much times she slashed.
Diagonal Blade DanceOnly usable as Next Black, Noire will attack the enemy faster than the eye can see, before finishing them off with a single strike, causing the enemy to implode in an explosion of electricity. Reverts Noire to base form after use.

Extents of CPU Power

Black HeartAs Black Heart, Noire goes from being a polite and calm tempered girl to a very tough and competitive one who openly states rude or sarcastic comments, usually with a small smirk. The HDD form outfit consist of a black bathing suit like part with the top of the breast and stomach area cut out while it connects around her neck. Her hair color being white/silver. Gaining a significant boost in her overall power and gaining the ability of flight, unlocking the form by exploiting the power of Lastation's shares.
NEXT BlackThis power is obtainable once Noire can utilize the power of the Hyper Share Crystal when present within her HDD state. Gaining access to Diagonal Blade Dance as a secondary EXE Finisher. Undergoing an intense power boost from the crystal in a way which allows her to easily handle those who gave her HDD form a hard time.

Extra Info

♡ Ships with Chem
♡ Crack | Serious
♡ 18+ Themed
♡ Hyperdimension Nowa
♡ MV Intended
♡ Game-Verse Nowaru
♡ Friendly Muse
♡ Detailed

Created by Ori-Mun.

Lastation's Unrivaled Might !

"Sorry to interrupt your idiotic ramblings, but you’ve seriously pissed me off."


Attack Potency: Planet Level, likely Star Level (As strong as Blanc, who wields weapons such as "Planet Crusher", which are strong enough to destroy planets and stars as well.)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Scales to Neptune, who's capable of traversing a pocket space that is 6 parsecs wide, in the span of 7 minutes)

Durability: Planet Class, likely Star Level (Comparable to Blanc, who wields weapons that can wield weapons capable of crushing entire planets and stars as well.)

Black Heart (HDD):

Attack Potency: Universe Level with Low Shares (Should be comparable to Nepgear, who can wield The Astral Blade which is capable of converting the power of all stars into raw power and harm those who can take hits from it),
Low Multiverse Level with High Shares (Superior to Histoire, who can channel the power of existence to attack opponents). higher with Soul Connect.

Speed: Massively FTL+, Likely Immeasurable (Capable of keeping up with CPUs that can fly to the center of Zero Dimension, a realm so big it contains several dimensions and the dreams of infinite people, can keep up with CPU’s who are superior to Histoire.)

Durability: Universe Level with Low Shares(Can endure hits from other CPUs who are comparable to Nepgear), Low Multiverse Level with High Shares (Vastly superior to weapons capable of destroying planets and views their base forms as mere shadows and obstacles to their CPU forms. Additionally CPUs are empowered by Share Energy and embedded with Sharcites, which can create The Sharing Fields, which are realms that are big enough to contain their own starry sky) higher with Soul Connect.

NEXT Black:

Attack Potency: Multiverse Level by default (Stronger than Prime HDD Rei, who was about to destroy the Ultradimension, affecting the Hyperdimension as well in the process and she was only using a fraction of her power. Fought against Kurome who was able to move the entire Heart Dimension, trying to make it clash and fuse with the Hyperdimension with a mere fraction of Rei’s HDD power.)

Complex Multiverse Level with Mid-High Shares. (The Hyperdimension Neptunia world has been stated to be a nine-dimensional space, as said by Nepgear when checking the dimensional coordinates of the Zero Dimension), higher with Soul Connect.

Speed: Immeasurable (Can keep up with Kurome, who is capable of moving freely within "Multi-Dimensional Space" of which is treated as higher dimensional.)

Durability: Multiverse Level by default (Survived the Spatial Hole that Rei created which was going to consume Hyperdimension, which is big enough to contain Zero Dimension. A realm comprised of dreams that became reality from across all iterations of Gameindustri),

Complex Multiverse Level with Mid-High Shares. (The Hyperdimension Neptunia world has been stated to be a nine-dimensional space, as said by Nepgear when checking the dimensional coordinates of the Zero Dimension), higher with Soul Connect.

Evidence for statements? Right here!

Blanc's Planet Crusher:;Birth1/Blanc#PlanetCrusher

Neptunia Shooter feat:

Nepgear/Purple Sister's Astral Blade:

Histoire's Universe SP Attack:

Next Form statement:

Fraction of Rei's power:

Rei's world-destroying statement:

Croire saying Rei was destroying the Ultra Dimension:

Why is Nowa Multiversal instead of Universal? Well, the answer is within this video where Histoire explains how the function of time works:

There's a possibility that a dimension in Neptunia can contain an infinite amount of timelines or Universes which gives justice to why Nowa is on the Multiversal Tier.